Are you looking for dance teachers? Not sure where to start? We have a few websites that may help.

Screenshot of DanceTeacherFinder.com


DTF is a great website for finding new teachers. Candidates upload their resumes to the website for free. Studio owners pay a nominal fee to access the resumes. You can search by location and styles taught. Access to the website is $19.99/mo and they have discounts if you pay for six months or a yearly plan. I don’t really see a benefit to paying for 6 months or year. Studios are rarely hiring year round. But if you are, the option is there.



Namafit.com is a website for dance and fitness professionals. Studio owners can upload job postings for free. The website will then email all it’s members that are likely matches. You will also see recommended matches from your account. You can pay $9 per post to get your listing highlighted and you can pay $49 they will feature your listing in the newsletters, website, and post to other job boards.

Link to www.indeed.com


Of all the options Indeed offers the most robust services for studio owners looking to hire new teachers. While not solely for dance, Indeed has the power of a major company behind it. You can post jobs for free. You can also setup 5 questions to ask each candidate that is interested in the position. Saving you time upfront by being able to filter out certain candidates. Posting is free with pay options for more exposure.

Link to www.craigslist.com


Good old CL. I have a love/hate relationship with CL. We have had some great teachers apply from here, but also have had some of the least qualified resumes come through as well. There is a resume section you can browse for free. You may get lucky and find a danceĀ  teacher, but at least for us that has never happened. We do use their job listings. They cost $75 each time you post. The one pro to using CL is they are a huge website and depending on your area you may get a lot of eyeballs on your listing.

Facebook Job Listings

Facebook introduced job listings in 2018. They are free to post. However from our experience we have had zero qualified candidates. In some cases I can’t tell if they applicants are real or spam. That is how far off from the job description they are. You may get different results. Facebook in general can be a great tool. Grow your network. Friend local dancers and teachers even if you don’t really know them. When you have an opening you have a network of local people to reach out to.

Additional Sources

Check with your local colleges. Both state, private, and community colleges. Most have online career pages for students looking for work. You can usually post openings for free. You may even want to look up the head of dance or theatre departments and ask if you can stop in to talk to their students or just drop off flyers in the classrooms.

Have other ideas? Let us know! info@dancestudioadvice.com